Brand is the promise

** Brand is the promise, the big idea, the expectations that reside in each customer's mind about a product, service or company. Branding is about making an emotional connection

I love traveling! 
Travelling is more than just going to different places, it's something more precious, memorable and fun. It gives time to think, learn, appreciate, memorable memories and explore. We can have fun staying in our home but it is way better adventurous sometimes and discover more about our spectacular world.

As usual I am searching to get the vacation places. The different place that is not found anywhere else. Flight and accommodation are definitely needed. Plane affairs are very easy to find out, via online booking only. Then the most important thing is accommodation. For a few days vacation you need a comfortable room, no need to be expensive, but usually a room that has good hygiene criteria, shower room, no carpet Choosing a hotel has a certain strategy for a traveler before traveling. 

If we have enough money or have been budgeted, choose a 4-star hotel - International Chains hotel. If budget traveling is just right, please choose a 3-star hotel - International Chains hotel. Usually I stay at Zest - Batam (Swiss-Belhotel International), Double Tree - Hilton (Kuala Lumpur), etc. 

How to choose a hotel for traveling in accordance with what you expect? 

1> Read comments on TripAdvisor. 

Read the comments relating to the hotel concern. Study the bad to worst comments section. If we doubt this hotel is not as desired, look for another hotel It's better, no rush! 

2> International Chains Hotel brand 

We want hotels that are cheap, clean and good right? 
3-star hotel - International Chains Hotel, is the right fit for my budget when i do solo traveling. Going with family preferable a 4-star hotel - International Chains Hotel. The habit of often traveling solo because it is more fun, everything can be taken care and arranged by my own and can choose the destination where we go with ‘go show Instead with family or grouping, the time of enjoyment must be follow group. 

Why choose International Chains Hotel? 
They guarantee safety and security. As a hotelier, especially once I do solo traveler. Hotels group under International branded hotels although three-star hotels pay more attention to the safety of guests, very strict and meticulous. My experience of working under Starwood Hotels & Resorts in 2004 to 2009 proves and know how the hotel management prioritizes this. 

** Brand is the promise, the big idea, the expectations that reside in each customer's mind about a product, service or company. Branding is about making an emotional connection

3> Room booking only for one night 

If you are doubtful about the hotel that you gonna book, don't decide to book for 2 nights or more, because we will experience first whether it is comfortable or not, in line with our expectations or not? 
One day i booked a room from 3 star hotel in Penang - Malaysia. Looks from the photos are really beautiful, there are no meaningful comments. The reality was far from what we expected, the hotel was very quiet and saw only 2 guests even though it was high season, and there was no in house music at all in this hotel. 
Well, can you imagine ? is that ....? 
Then I decided to stay just one night and choose another hotel for the 2nd and 3rd day. 

No need to worry if there are no rooms available. In one city or place there are many hotels and surely they welcome us. Therefore, learn what hotels are in the city before we go. This is to get another alternative hotel. Can we check back to TripAdvisor or other OTAs such as Traveloka,,, etc. 

Some of my experiences, i often found the hotel doesn't match as good comments from traveler. My conclusion is for someone it might be good but not really good for other traveler. There is one point that brings up with a word ‘good' means if the guest expects that things coming up and settled. 

4> The best cleanliness hotel 

I stick to one principle wherever I go to select the hotels that cleanliness is well maintained. Every hotels under International Chains Hotels, cleanliness is priority. They are very careful about this. GM is mandatory always checks around to avoid photos of guests related to cleanliness. Therefore all staff are indeed educated to maintain cleanliness in all areas of the hotel and not only the responsibility of Housekeeping.

5> Write the comments 

I always post comments on TripAdvisor after traveling. This is useful so that the comments written to be acknowledged for those who want to stay to that hotel. Write honestly according to our experience by ethics. 
If it's good write it good comment, if the comment isn't good, tell the hotel staff to Receptionist or Duty Manager why we are disappointed. I'm sure they will listen and take notes, at least there is a word ‘apologize from Management. If the complaint in level serious then forward to the DOSM / EAM to be followed up or GM will have to resolve by himself. 

Within 2 days, comments on TripAdvisor will be response by Hotel Management. 
GM should answer directly with standard letter and written from his language style instead non-standard letter styles such as replying with the same draft from the secretary / PR, but respond like the communication letter style of guest and GM. Response the problem on detail and not only say thanks, but offer a solution or way out. So the sender and reader feel the personal touch from Management. 
The sender will feel to be respected by Hotel. 
Whether busy or not, it should be GM's obligation to respond because it relates to the hotel's image. Hotels by the International Chains brand will do it meticulously in replying to every comment, They will strictly pay more attention to this since a bad comment will be given punishment from the Head Office. hmm,, 

Well, it's so excited right? 
What about you?

Wat Chaiya Mungkalaram

Kek Lok Si Temple - The biggest Buddhist Temple 
Penang - Malaysia 

Wat Chaiya Mungkalaram or Sleeping Budha 
Thai Buddhist Temple in Penang - Malaysia 

Wat Chaiya Mungkalaram 
Thai Buddhist Temple in Penang - Malaysia 

Dharmikarama Burmese Temple 
The 1st Budha Burmese in Malaysia

"Fear not, for I AM with you"  (Isaiah 41) 
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