Celestine Patterson berkecimpung di dunia perhotelan sejak dua dekade hingga kini. Senang mengamati setiap insan dan ragam budaya.
Singgah di kota Jakarta selama lebih dari 10 tahun sejak tahun 2004 selama bergabung dengan Sheraton Media Hotel & Towers Jakarta, Jakarta Sales Office (JSO) GH Universal Hotel Bandung, JSO - Rich Palace Hotel dibawah SoAsia Hotels Group yang berkantor di Menara Citicon pada tahun 2015. Tahun 2022 bergabung dengan Blue Sky Hotel Balikpapan - Kalimantan Timur.
Dilanjutkan berkarir di beberapa kota diantaranya Bandung, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Medan dan Surabaya.
Tulisan-tulisan di blogspot ini datang dari keinginan berbagi pengetahuan perihal sales marketing di perhotelan, khususnya international chains hotel berbintang 4 dan 5 bagi departemen sales marketing, terutama sales leader.
Selain hobi menulis pun gemar membaca artikel menarik, bermain gitar dan melancong. Mendalami bidang psikologi, edukasi dan sosial budaya dan membiarkan impiannya untuk menciptakan e-modul bagi marketing hotelier khusus di negara tercinta, Indonesia.
Beberapa tulisan diposting pada www.kompasiana.com/celestinepatterson. Tulisan menjadi artikel utama yang menjadi favorit yaitu Traveler dan Hotelier, Kacamata Sales Marketing Terhadap Hotel, 8 Keuntungan Hotelier Bekerja di Luar Pulau Jawa.
Celestine, putri dari penulis Buku Kamus Terminologi Hukum English - Indonesia pada tahun 2003. Kamus ini masih dipakai oleh praktisi hukum dan mahasiswa hukum di Indonesia hingga kini. Sila dibaca di Ayah dan Anak Perempuan
Celestine Patterson, penulis buku Hotelier's Story dengan nama populer CL Patterson. Buku seri 1 berjudul "Pernak-Pernik Dunia Hospitality" (November 2021). Buku Seri 2 berjudul "Warna-Warni Berkarir Di Dunia Hospitality" (June 2022)
I’m hotelier and content creator of Life, Love and Hospitality As personal blog, most of the content coming from my experiences over two decades in sales marketing – hotel industry to be shared to the sales team especially sales leader. Work is learning
Topic of these articles related to the sales marketing knowledge in hotel industry at 4 and 5 star hotel both International chains hotel and local hotel following behavior, attitude, leadership, maturity and build character subject that help out sales marketer in daily success life among family also work environment.
The sales marketer is the exclusive employee class, we must be proud of this job. Not everyone has talent as a sales marketer but being a sales marketer can be learned. The lovely motto for us is “I never fail, I win or I learn!
Sales marketing - hotel industry, a career trained to pursue it requires perseverance, endurance and in-depth knowledge. I hope hospitality sales marketer think cleverly and sincerely serve customers, that a basis of sales marketer who has value, pleases and listen the customers.
The daughter of writer of Dictionary Law Terminology English - Indonesia is enjoyed traveling, since love to discover new cultures and new languages. 'Traveling make me think differently, reconsider some of my choices and feed my capacity of reinventing myself. Travel is an indispensable part of our lives and we recognize that, beyond the joy one feels, travel bonds us globally like no other business. It gives us an understanding of the world and cultures that brings us together in the most meaningful way.
Cheers and rejoice,
Celestine Patterson